Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hello everyone!!! So, it's been almost a month since my last blog. And Maddison is growing so quickly. I swear her looks change daily. Last night she had her first, rough night. Until now, she has been sleeping very well. She normally falls asleep around 9ish and wakes up at 2ish for a feeding and then for another one at 6ish. But last night, she woke up every hour and was very fussy, not a happy camper. Today after church, she slept for over 3 hours!! She was very tired. Hopefully tonight, she'll get back into the swing of things. lol Also, poor mom was so tired today, she was beat!

A few weeks ago, Maddi was struggling with baby acne which then was determined as infantile eczema. Her face was broken out, bumpy, and very red. But her dr. prescribed a cream, and it literally healed her face over night. Now, her skin still has some bumps and is very sensitive, but it looks GREAT! Oh yeah, another thing!Last night, she wiggled and squirmed from her belly to her back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, craziness!!!!!!! She just

This week I checked on the status of my COTA application. Well, they did not receive it. I was surprised and the director informed me to re submit it. But I'm gonna wait on that application. This week I decided to make a very BIG change...I'm switching majors. Currently, I'm studying psychology and the classes are requiring more and more writing (which I’m not a fan of) and the material is just very repetitive and boring (also, I have 3 more "statistical/psychology" classes to take, which makes me ill when thinking about taking those courses). The past few months, I've been praying and asking God for discernment about school. And the past few weeks, He has definitely closed and opened doors and a recent convo with my academic advisor made making this decision easier. So, I’ve decided to major in education (and no I do not want to offense to the GREAT teachers out there). Having a degree in education will be much more resourceful when working with kids who have special needs. And the coolest thing of changing majors, I only have 2 additional classes to take!!!! So, I’m only 15 classes away from graduation. There’s light at the end of the tunnel…YAY!!! :D

One last thing, I hope that everyone is voting for this upcoming election. It's very important and crucial to vote. If you don't like how the government runs or you disagree with certain policies then VOTE! Not voting leaves you no room to complain about America.

Here are some pics of Rissa and Dad at the Peanut Feast!