Thursday, May 21, 2009's been 4 months

So, I stink at this blogging thing. I know a lot of people who LOVE it, but those people must have the time to blog. So to bring everyone up to speed....Maddison is 8 months...Yes I know time flies!!!! Last night, she started to crawl!!!!!!!!! It's very exciting to see her accomplish these milestones. I tend to forget that she is a typical developing child. At the hospital I see some many children who are atypical and I have to remind myself that those children are not the norm. Sometimes my viewpoint is skewed. She's babbling and talking up a storm, we're all anticipating her first word- momma, dadda, or maybe another choice word she's

The past few weeks, my schedule has been CRAZY busy with working full time at the hospital and I decided to take a manager's position at Bath and Body Works. I was working 60-80 hours a week. It was very draining and after an awful weekend at BBW and a wake up call from the dr., I decided to slow down my life. I adjusted my availability at BBW (which was approved, thankfully!) and I am taking a semester off from school. I'm gonna have time to spend with my family, visit friends, and have time to myself. No more rushing here and there. I already have some trips planned. In June I'm going to Boone, NC. July I'm going to Wilmington, NC for a weekend and also in August I'll be at Nags Head. Oh I can't wait until May 29th!!! That's when my new availability begins!!!!! :D

That was a quick are some pics of Ms. Maddi Grace to enjoy... :D

Friday, January 23, 2009

Moments of Opportunity

Hello there!!! Well it's been a very long time since I've "blogged". Maddison is growing and growing and growing. It's so cool to see her hit her milestones- head control and prop sitting!!! Before I know it, she'll be crawling, cruising, and walking. But I don't want to her grow up that fast! lol :-) She loves making raspberries and blowing bubbles. Check out his cute video of her.

Marissa is playing intramural basketball this year and I'm her coach. So far, so good. We won our first game last weekend!!! Go Sooners!!!!! :D

My classes this semester keep me busy. I'm taking a child nutrition course, which I thought would be easy. But not the case. Projects and presentations due and oh yeah 2 6 page papers!!! And that's just for 1 class! I've been so consumed by the nutrition class and also studying for the GRE (test for graduate school), I've haven't focused on my other 2 courses. My plan for the weekend is to catch up in ALL my homework. It's a daunting task, but I gotta do it.

So about the GRE, I decided to apply to COTA school and see what would happen. Well, I haven't heard from the school which is normal. I was told I might not hear anything until the spring. But I hate just waiting around and not doing anything (hence a full time job and part time and school). So, I decided to sign up to take the GRE and start studying for that. Well, after I committed to that decision and also with TONS of support and encouragement from girls at work, 2 AMAZING things happened. First- while shopping for my GRE study guide, I bumped into a complete stranger. To make a long story short, she works in Purdue University’s Engineering Department and before that she worked for ETS (educational testing service). That company produces the GRE!!!! I know, I almost died. She gave me some really great tips on how to take the test. Second- I found information concerning a scholarship to pay for grad school. If that works out, the scholarship would really change my life. But if it doesn't, I'm still gonna apply to VCU and see what happens. It's my first choice, and if it doesn't work out, I'll apply again the following year. It’s great to have direction and then things are happening that seem to back up that direction! Anyways, tonight I’ll post that video and pics of Maddi and the fam! Hope all is well with everyone!!!!! :D