Thursday, May 21, 2009's been 4 months

So, I stink at this blogging thing. I know a lot of people who LOVE it, but those people must have the time to blog. So to bring everyone up to speed....Maddison is 8 months...Yes I know time flies!!!! Last night, she started to crawl!!!!!!!!! It's very exciting to see her accomplish these milestones. I tend to forget that she is a typical developing child. At the hospital I see some many children who are atypical and I have to remind myself that those children are not the norm. Sometimes my viewpoint is skewed. She's babbling and talking up a storm, we're all anticipating her first word- momma, dadda, or maybe another choice word she's

The past few weeks, my schedule has been CRAZY busy with working full time at the hospital and I decided to take a manager's position at Bath and Body Works. I was working 60-80 hours a week. It was very draining and after an awful weekend at BBW and a wake up call from the dr., I decided to slow down my life. I adjusted my availability at BBW (which was approved, thankfully!) and I am taking a semester off from school. I'm gonna have time to spend with my family, visit friends, and have time to myself. No more rushing here and there. I already have some trips planned. In June I'm going to Boone, NC. July I'm going to Wilmington, NC for a weekend and also in August I'll be at Nags Head. Oh I can't wait until May 29th!!! That's when my new availability begins!!!!! :D

That was a quick are some pics of Ms. Maddi Grace to enjoy... :D